Brainstorm: New lyric video/single "Revealing The Darkness" released!

Brainstorm: New lyric video/single "Revealing The Darkness" released!

The 28th of September will bring you one of 2018's power metal highlights: BRAINSTORM's brand new album, titled "Midnight Ghost"!

BROTHERS OF METAL sign with AFM Records! Reading Brainstorm: New lyric video/single "Revealing The Darkness" released! 1 minute Next EKTOMORF: New Single to be released in October!

The 28th of September will bring you one of 2018's power metal highlights: BRAINSTORM's brand new album, titled "Midnight Ghost"! The Swabians around vocalist Andy B. Franck have always delivered the goods, but this time they have outdone themselves. Will “Midnight Ghost” become BRAINSTORM’s new yardstick?
That’s up to the fans, as Andy states: “We’ve worked on the new material until we were 100% satisfied. No deadlines, no restrictions, no pressure from outside. Actually, we always give our best but this time it feels very special. Even as the recordings took place quite a while ago now, I’m still euphoric and can’t wait to unleash the “Midnight Ghost”, my hope being that our fans will enjoy the album as much as I do”.

The album’s third single “Revealing The Darkness” is available now.
“Midnight Ghost” will be released on September 28th (CD, CD/DVD Digibook, ltd. Vinyl, ltd. Box Set).
