DYNAZTY - videoclip online

DYNAZTY - videoclip online

Dynazty released brand new video single „Paradise Of The Architect” from their latest album “The Dark Delight”. Swedish modern melodic metal band DYNAZTY enters the new decade with a bang!

After huge success with their latest album released in April 2020 which hit the official charts in Sweden # 2, Finland #3, Switzerland #12 and the first time in Germany #33;

Dynazty released brand new video single „Paradise Of The Architect” from their latest album “The Dark Delight”. Swedish modern melodic metal band DYNAZTY enters the new decade with a bang!

Nils Molin says:
”’Paradise Of The Architect’ is centered around the fear of determinism. That we are simply passengers travelling on a pre-destined path ever since our inception, in this case examplified with cosmic expansion(big bang), and that our view of having a choice behind our actions is an illusion, and instead are just direct consequences, pre-determined by our previous actions and always caused by and belonging to a long chain of events.

The title “Paradise Of The Architect” connects to humanity’s lack of understanding of our universe, or our perception of a universe, and how that confusion drives us to in one way or another believe in a higher power.

Something bigger than us, an “architect” that knows more and is in control of everything.
Therefor we are all connected in the sense that we all live in total bliss of exactly what we are, why we are and how we are.

Weather it is any kind of organized religion, science, quantum physics, conspiracy theories or fucking yoga we believe in, we all try to find a bigger picture that confirms that we are not in control ourselves.

Choosing what kind of control to believe in is your choice, be it an illusion or not.
This we can all connect to”.
