The brand new video "War Of Kings" has been released on 28th October 2020 - watch the new epic clip by LEAVES' EYES now on the AFM YouTube channel:
This song is taken from the recent album "The Last Viking" which came out on Friday, 23rd October, 2020. It obviously meets the German metal fan’s approval by entering Germany album charts on #28 in week no. 1.
The album is taking you on a journey to past times - per annum 1066, the last Viking King, called Hardrada, is dead – the Vikings’ age is over. Long live the Vikings.
“The Last Viking” is the 2020-monumental-piece of LEAVES’ EYES. The setting of the symphonic metal masterpiece couldn’t be more tremendous. With their cult-albums “Vinland Saga” (2005) and “King of Kings” (2015) they already turned Leif Erikssons discovery of America and the life of Norway’s first king into music. Now, LEAVES’ EYES bring the Viking Sagas to their bombastic finale.