LORDI - Merry Blah Blah Blah

LORDI - Merry Blah Blah Blah

LORDI  Christmas romanticism with a twist: "Merry Blah Blah Blah" is a different kind of X-mas carol. New, seven-album "Lordiversity" will be released on November 26th 

BILLYBIO - One Life To Live Reading LORDI - Merry Blah Blah Blah 3 minutes Next SERIOUS BLACK - Senso Della Vita

When the Christmas turkey come to slaughter people and eat them as roasts and the trees festively hack down a person and decoratively install them in their home…. Yes, then this is Christmas from the point of view of the Monster Rockers from LORDI. And with this, they will release their own, entirely unique X-mas carol, "Merry Blah Blah Blah". 
Musically packaged in an absolutely catchy tune, the Finns deliver a wonderfully sarcastic, outraged look at the holiday of all holidays – and simply turn the tables. What if the pigs and turkeys that we normally eat on the holidays each sent their wish to Santa Claus asking to be entitled to prepare people as a scrumptious holiday menu this year? 
And what if we were the Christmas trees for once? 


The release of “Merry Blah Blah Blah” not only fits the quiet, contemplative Christmas season, but is also in time with the release of the new, seven-album “Lordiversity”. 
Actually, LORDI are coming from around the corner with those seven on November 26th: The band is the first in music history to release a whopping seven studio albums in one go! The band will be the first in music history to release a whopping seven studio albums in one lavish swoop! This is called “Lordiversity”!
And not only that: It is effectively the thus far absent back catalogue that is referred to on the last album, "Killection". 
It's a compilation album that imagines that LORDI has existed since the early 70's. It delivers all the hit singles from the different decades and as they would have sounded if LORDI had made music at that time. The accompanying back catalogue will finally appear in the form of "Lordiversity" – two years after its Best Of and simply from beyond time and space.

Mr. Lordi explains: “In the week of March 2020, after our tour had to be cancelled due to Corona, I thought that I must use the extra time that was available to me. It quickly became clear that the time was perfect to start planning another album, even though “Killection” wasn't even three months old at the time. But then I realised that there couldn't be anything more boring than making another regular LORDI album. I really enjoyed writing, recording and producing the different styles for “Killection”, but the idea of simply composing a second part of it also struck me as extremely boring. And since "Killection" is a fictional album based on a previously non-existent, fictional back catalogue of music, I had an idea: The only thing that could top "Killection" would be to record and publish the back catalogue. "

"Skelectric Dinosaur", "Superflytrap", "The Masterbeast From The Moon", "Abusement Park", "Humanimals", "Abracadaver" and "Spooky Sextravaganza Spectacular" will all be released on November 26th. The complete work is called “Lordiversity”. 

Monster Songs galore for the dark nights of the year.